Choosing the Perfect Sauna for Your Apartment
Saunas are an excellent source of recreation and therapy. These wooden, confined boxes create high heat and low humidity for sauna bathers to provide them with the ideal form of relaxation and detoxification.
However, purchasing an at-home sauna for an apartment can be tricky. There are numerous things to consider when buying a sauna for a smaller living space, such as the sauna size, quality, voltage, and manufacturing materials.
Read on to learn some of the factors you must consider when purchasing a sauna for an apartment.
The Sauna Size
While bigger houses with dedicated sauna spaces can accommodate large-sized saunas, it’s better to choose medium or small-sized saunas for an apartment. If you have an apartment with flexible space, your medium-sized sauna will accommodate two to four people. In fact, you can also use a medium-sized sauna outdoors for recreation.
However, choosing a smaller sauna is the ideal choice if you have a significantly small apartment. These saunas are affordable and can hold one or two people. While you may not be able to use a small sauna for recreation or socialization, it’s an economical choice if you live alone.
Wood Types
A sauna is a once-in-a-lifetime purchase. Therefore, you must choose a high-quality sauna with durable and rigid manufacturing materials. Most leading sauna manufacturers use handsome softwoods to create the best sauna interiors. These wood types remain cool and are susceptible to extreme heat and steam.
One of the wood types you must consider is Red Cedar. It’s strong and can naturally resist decay and harsh environments. Other wood options include Hemlock and Aspen.
Heat Source
Sauna companies use three heat sources, including electric heaters, carbon-infrared heaters, and ceramic-infrared heaters.
Traditional saunas often have electric heaters. They use hot rocks and electricity as the primary heat source. You can expect their maximum temperature to reach 195 degrees or more within half an hour.
Carbon-heated saunas are affordable alternatives to electric heaters. They use carbon panels to distribute heat evenly throughout the sauna room and require about 10 minutes to reach 140 degrees.
Ceramic-heated saunas are high-quality saunas with low-EMF levels. They provide long-lasting heat throughout the sauna session without side effects.
If you’re looking for the perfect sauna for your apartment, connect with us at USA Health & Wellness to purchase an infrared sauna online. We offer low-EMF infrared saunas in a wide range of sizes, dimensions, wood, and heater types to provide you with the best fit. Visit our website to check out our collection today!